Back on the sofa with Phillip and Holly on This Morning

Being slightly weary after a grilling from Phillip and Holly about the non-existent barbecue summer, I thought I would post the clip rather than write about it.

I have to say, they were pretty well-prepared before  hauling me over the coals over the non-stop rain that I sort of said would be over by now.

They had "that" clip lined up - the one that is going to follow me throughout my reporting career.

And faced with the evidence, there was nothing I could do but hold my hands up and admit I might have been a little over-optimistic with that glorious summer prediction in May.

But that's the nature of long-range weather reporting, you don't always get it 100 per cent.

However, If I say so myself, I think I stood my ground, despite the fierce criticism.

Still, fingers crossed for the summer, there's still July and August to go.

And if in doubt - blame it on the jet stream.

On a serious note, as always it was a fun morning, and lovely to work with the This Morning team again. So once again, many thanks for making my day so enjoyable!


  1. I think that the truth of the matter is that a "weather story" is a good space filler. The DE has lost all credibility from a serious journalistic perspective and is just a cash generator for Richard Desmond. It really does not matter whether the forecasts (probably no more mere speculation for the most part)are accurate or not. A front page weather splash (no pun intended) is just a cheap option.


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