Another sour and yawn-inducing offering from Tabloid Watch

It was Oscar Wilde who wrote “the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about”.

I have nothing more to add other than to share the following, posted on Tabloid Watch - the website which purports to blog about “bad journalism”.

It is in response to Friday's report in the Express putting our money where our mouths are when it comes to reporting the weather.

Predictably it follows their usual style of pointless drivel.

Point the critical finger guys, be my guest, it does make me chuckle - but while you are doing so, be very careful someone doesn’t have cause to point it firmly back at you.


  1. You must do a lot of chuckling.

  2. Why are you constantly wrong?

  3. So I guess it stung. Oh and by the way, how does it feel to be paid to be a professional liar, Mr. Rao?

  4. "Point the critical finger guys, be my guest, it does make me chuckle - but while you are doing so, be very careful someone doesn’t have cause to point it firmly back at you."

    If you can give me examples of Tabloid Watch (ever) being as inaccurate as you are and falsifying information to the extent of your whacky weather predictions or shameful, baseless attack on Muslims in the 'Muslim plot to kill Pope' which managed to contain absolutely no truth, I will personally send enough man made snow to your house to make it a white Christmas for you.

  5. I think you might have to expand on which part of the Tabloid Watch entry is 'drivel' since most of it is quoting your words...just sayin'

  6. "Predictably it follows their usual style of pointless drivel."

    Funnily enough, that line describes perfectly the output of the Daily Express. Tabloid Watch is at least accurate, something that certainly cannot be said for your weather reporting.

  7. Tabloid Watch merely posts about your articles, and lets the obvious lying and contradictions speak for itself.
    You respond with unsubstantiated criticism and unsurprisingly come off worse because of it.

  8. What inaccuracies were in his reporting of your work. Yours, as always appears to be riddled with inaccuracies. You can't really criticise another person's critique of your 'work' without highlighting where they are incorrect, oh wait you work for The Express.

  9. lol remember when you accused six innocent men of being terrorists? good times, good times.

  10. The truth hurts Nathan, doesn't it?

    If the Daily Express, or even the Mail, told me today was Monday, I'd check it elsewhere.

    Seeing as you like quotes so much, here's one from Abraham Lincoln, which seems rather appropriate for you:

    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

  11. It's bizarre that you're even showing their work as some form of defence. Do you not understand they're simply showing facts, not fiction? No hope for you fella.

  12. Any comment on Paul Hudson of the BBC's recent taking-apart of the Express weather stories? Is he also writing drivel?

  13. Oh dear. The Express is mostly made out of drivel, half-truths and copied/pasted presss releases but I guess you know best, what with being a "journalist."

  14. You're very full of yourself for a man of limited talents who writes inaccurate - often wholly dishonest - reports for a racist and poorly designed tabloid.

  15. On Thursday Nathan told us about a weather map that looked rather like a penis Today he complains there is "pointless drivel" on the internet. Deary me.

  16. Oh dear, Nathan please tell us you didn't pay someone to cut your presenter showreel. They are a terrible waste of money; they're produced exclusively by sharks who are willing to take £250 off wannabes with entirely misplaced expectations that it will get them TV work. However, given that the audio makes it sound like the thing was shot in a cardboard box, I'm hoping you didn't actually part with any cash.

  17. I find it wonderful that a journalist who is such an accomplished consumer affairs expert is also knowledgeable enough to comment so regularly on the weather.

    So, the naysayers have called you out for being incorrect. That's the nature of the weather, isn't it?! You at least gave it a shot and showed that you're up for working outside of your comfort zone!!!

    Well done me lad!!!

  18. Wow, I can't believe you have the audacity to refer to someone else's work as "pointless drivel". Seriously, just look at your collection of front pages on the bottom left of this page: "-20C to hit us in weeks" (never happened), "Tsunami nuclear fallout hits UK" (never happened), "Secret of a longer life" (eating healthily...not much of a secret), "Muslim plot to kill pope" (scaremongering bullshit that never happened), "90F killer heatwave" (never happened), and "Hurricane to smash Britain" (never happened). Those are perfect examples of "pointless drivel".

  19. Mr. Rao, I have a question. Do you genuinely believe that the Express "put their money where their mouth is" when it comes to the weather?

    Are you seriously not aware of the nature of sensationalist reporting in order to polarize any story to sell newspapers, and that you are a huge agent in this kind of reporting?

    Have you stopped to consider that of the front pages you quote on the right of this page, 2 (20C To Hit Us In Weeks and Muslim Plot To Kill Pope) were DEMONSTRABLY false, three were at least misleading and one is just banal? Does the size of the gap between your "reporting" and that of other more respected journalists never trouble you?

    You should remove the word "journalist" from your ugly blog's header. It's a disservice to people who write about real and important things.

  20. LOLZ. Daily Express muckraker/paid liar,calling something else pointless drivel take a look at the rag your paid to write lies in!!

  21. I've just checked the poll and 53% of respondents think this blog 'could do better!'

    Of course, the poll does not resemble one of those wonderfully balanced Express Polls such as 'Are Evil PC Muslim Bigot Terrorists wrong to trample over the rights of decent hard-working British War Heroes?'

    Or whatever.

  22. I think your poll 'could do with more options'... like 'is a pile of shit' and 'basically just full of lies and/or racism'

  23. Nathan, do you ever read the 'Have your Say' comments in the D.E.? If not, you really should.
    The comments pretty much reflect much of the above.
    But I see AGAIN today you over sensationalise, though not on the front page.
    Is it too difficult to state it is expected to be wet and windy, rather than the country being 'battered'?.
    And, despite Jonathan Powell getting it wrong time and time again, you continue quoting him.
    Yes, people have had enough of it.
    I find it strange that someone that has such an interest in weather can know so little about it.
    If you so much as studied Meteorology, you would understand the near impossibility of long term forecasting, as proven time and time again.
    Shameful if this is all done just to increase circulation and scaring people in the process.
    According to YOU, we should be enduring the coldest winter in a hundred years for two months, with a White Christmas a dead certainty...oh, but then, as usual, it all changed again.
    Beyond ridiculous!

  24. Nathan, I can understand that your pride may be hurt, we are all human and wrong at times, very much including myself.I don't think finger pointing and mild implicated threat is the response anyone should use in defence either.I have read many of your weather related articles and diagree profoundly with a few..but that is my choice, just as it it is yours to disagree with me.I wouldn't expect to be riddiculed and dismaissed out of hand either just because my point of few does not allude all the time to yours.

  25. What a strange "response" to what is a pretty straightforward debunking of the absolute and total crap that you and your paper consistently write. And they are being kind by not including all the crappy weather stories your paper writes. Time to admit that the Express is a a joke paper that nobody takes seriously and the weather reports are so far from accurate as to be truly laughable.

    The problem is the Express is a paper that now has no news just silly made up stories about weather (apocalyptic stories preferable), house prices, immigrants (illegal of course), Diana (still!!), the McCaan's (hmmm not good that one) and Nazis (OMG the war isn't over in Express-land). No wonder the Express and Star pulled out of the PCC and must be wetting themselves a little bit from worry over what comes after Leveson - accurate journalism and news reporting perhaps rather than made up bollocks?

  26. "putting our money where our mouths are when it comes to reporting the weather"

    That's not how you spell arses.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. It would have been a better idea to have provided examples of where tabloidwatch were wrong and why you’re not a liar. Failing that, just one example.

    Assuming you are not a poe, I would suggest replacing your front pages with pictures of used toilet paper. Soft, strong, thoroughly absorbent and far greater literary merit than the Daily Express.

  29. "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about," an Oscar Wilde insider EXCLUSIVELY told the Daily Express this week.

  30. Andrew Williamson4 January 2013 at 11:04


  31. Oddly enough, pointless drivel is what the Express likes to churn out to sell papers.

    Have you actually taken the time to look at the credentials of the people you so often quote (Exacta Weather, Vantage Weather, Positive Weather Solution etc.) in yor headline-grabbing articles?

    It would be nice if you actually deferred to the more reasoned voices rather than the "scan all the forecasts and pick the most armageddon-looking" - but then, after all, the more reasoned voices are going to provide with that front-page headline, are they?

  32. How the hell are you still in a job?

  33. Your weather related scaremongering, jonathan powell publicity articles are the ridicule of ALL weather forums as they are all inaccurate and a pile of nonsense. It seems you don't actually realise this or you are a complete imbecile

  34. So Nathan, when on Saturday 17th November, your paper headlined with an article written by yourself:

    "Forecasters Warn snow could bring Britain to a standstill"
    "Britain will grind to a halt within weeks as the most savage freeze for a century begins"

    just when exactly can we expect this to happen?

    Or perhaps let's take the front page headline for Friday 7th December 2012:

    "-15c blast will make us colder than North Pole"
    "Britain is braced for its coldest winter in 20 years next week when a 'beast from the east' roars in from Siberia"

    If Tabloid Watch is apparently being unfair, let's hear your views on exactly what they got wrong, and exactly how right you were with the above two articles?

    I realise you're clearly embarrassed by how woefully wrong your 'forecasting' turns out to be, but at least man up and admit that you're not doing your job very well. If your 'journalism' isn't accurate, then don't be too surprised when people hold you to account for it.

  35. If I was getting paid as much as Mr Rao to write hyperbolic weather drivel with none of that encumbering pressure to be accurate, I'd be chuckling too.

  36. If anybody knows about pointless drivel, it is Mr Rao. His paper is an endless stream of shite. But it's okay, because at least sales are.....oh, they are plummeting.

  37. Oh Mr Rao. How about some facts to back up your side of the story? Maybe you could indulge in a little journalism to point out why you're right and Tabloid Watch are wrong?

    I have to say though, they seem to have quoted your reports directly, so perhaps they have a point.

    Kind regards,


  38. The Tabloid news industry really hates being held to account.

  39. Nathan aren't you worried that with such a foreign sounding surname your own paper and the Mail may try to get you deported as an illegal immigrant?

  40. Nathan - please tell me this summer will be the coldest on record?

  41. I just put in your name along side some other bad words and see you have a blog. You shouldn't have a blog, you have nothing remotely truthful to say backed up by all of the above. You're portray yourself as being so far up your own ass with self belief I'm surprised you've not started a cult.

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  43. In the past few weeks you have reported that the UK has been 'smashed, tortured, burned,sweltered and baked, among many more.
    When are you going to stop bullshitting,and recognise we are enjoying a very pleasant summer.


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