Pinnies and rolling pins at the ready for the Great British Bake off final

How about finishing the week on a cheery note.

I was tempted to write about the seedy Jimmy Savile revelations which have dominated the news these past two weeks. 

I thought about it for a bit, but for a number of reasons decided against it.

Here's why.

For a start, the details that have emerged so far are nothing short of distasteful, and I don’t really want to dwell on them.

But secondly, and more importantly, whatever he did or didn’t do, it is too late now.

If he did grope and molest his way through the past 40 years he escaped un-prosecuted, he has, as we say, got away with it.

It's a shame he will never be brought to justice, but to a certain extent we have the law to thank for that.

The legislation on libel means it is too dangerous for the press to “out” a  predatory pedophile without criminal charges being brought, even if they are as blatant about it as Savile seems to have been.

And in recent months, as the hate campaign against the British media and our free press escalates, this is only going to get worse.

The journalist’s job is becoming increasingly dangerous, and fearless reporting in the interest of public’s right to know the truth may soon be a thing of the past.

I think we are headed down a terrifying and  dangerous path in that respect, however others disagree.

But, as I said, a cheery note...

My money is on Brendan, who has consistently delivered the goods week after week.

He always seems so calm and collected as he kneads and rolls, forms and shapes.

And I loved his country cottage cake, even though the judges blasted it for being “twee”.

While some of the others whip themselves up into a baking frenzy, dropping trays of scones and pulling their hair out in clumps as their soufflés flop, Brendan calmly serves up the most magnificent looking creations.

This series has had its fair share of disasters, soggy bottoms and squidgy buns.

We have even had one of the team, lawyer John, almost lose a finger in pursuit of the baking crown.

But it has been brilliant, and I am already looking forward to next year.

In the meantime though, good luck to Brendan, John and James, you have all done yourselves proud and made me very happy for the past two months.


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