Sell by dates - yet another example of state-engineered health and safety rubbish

Guaranteed to get me spitting feathers is this obsession we have with sell-by dates.

Before I launch into a tirade, I am going to make my position clear on this ridiculous health and safety poppycock. It is complete garbage.

I am convinced putting the fear of God into people with sell-by and use-by dates achieves only one thing - they throw away perfectly good food and buy more,  boosting industry profits.

Spot the conspiracy?

Do we honestly believe wartime housewives went through the cupboards throwing away precious eggs and butter because it was past its sell-by date?

No, and there is a very simple explanation.

The wretched things didn’t exist then and even if they had, out grandparents would not have fallen for such nonsense.

My anger was fuelled today after spotting this article in the Mail, warning that people are putting their health at risk using out-of-date medicines.

The solution – destroy them as soon as they pass the date and get another £7.65 prescription from the doctor.

The theory is that as soon as medicines pass their use-by date they begin to magically transform into a deadly toxin.

Really? I would be very interested to see pharmacological evidence that proves the chemical structure of paracetamol changes all by itself while sealed in an airtight package, even ten years after its sell-by date.

Of course it doesn't, this is just the state wagging its irritating, nannying finger into things it should keep well out of.

Sell-by dates  were only introduced by Marks and Spencer in 1973. How did the human race survive up until then I ask?

Common sense I presume. We were perfectly happy and healthy using our own common sense to tell whether food safe to eat.

These days you pass bins outside supermarkets piled high with perfectly edible food that has been discarded because it is older than the date on the packet.

It is scandalous, if not downright wicked, I have two things to say on the matter.

Anyone with more than three brain cells will save their money and ignore the sell-by dates. If food is mouldy or smells bad, then it is probably off, otherwise make your own mind up.

If a bag of sugar is a week past its best before date, there is probably nothing wrong with it.

And to the state – will you just butt out.


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