Disgraceful treatment of Bomber Command heroes by the British Government
Today’s Crap Service of the Week Award has a slightly more sombre tone than usual. It goes to the British Government, in the week they refused to stump up for the ceremony to unveil the Bomber Command Memorial in London’s Green Park. This is the same Government which splashes taxpayers’ cash around for penthouse apartments for Somalian refugees, which dishes out our hard-earned notes to work-shy teenagers with hoards of kids pushing their “entitlement” to benefits down our throats on a regular basis. The Government which gives benefits to six million people in this country apparently too ill or hard-done-by to get off their backsides and pay for their own plasma screen tv and fags. Our veterans, who risked their lives time and time again for their country, can expect a big fat £0 from the Ministry of Defence for their efforts. They face having to cough up £70,000 from their own pockets to pick up the bill for unveiling the memorial they waited almost 70 years fo...