The curse of the dreaded rhinovirus - yes, watch out there's a cold about
With the the rain and floods has come my first cold for almost two years. I think it is making up for lost time by taking a mallet to my brain and making me look like something off the front of a chill’d Christmas Advent calendar. (PHOTO: I have also forgotten how rotten the rhinovirus, to give it its technical term, can make you feel. I must say though, for the “sniff sniff I’ve got the ‘flu” brigade, there is a vast difference between something that makes you feel rotten for a couple of days and something which takes you to the very gates of Hell and back. Thankfully this is just a cold. Anyway I have decided to share my misery, and maybe give some advice to anyone else out there trying to boost Kleenex sales. A plea to the Twitterati this evening for any last-minute fail-safe cold cures brought a few responses. The red nose, it appears, is here to stay, at least for a couple of days. As for the other symptoms, the streaming sinuse...