Hate-reading and the readers who love to hate
While browsing the internet today I came across something which at first glance you'd think would send any writer into a tailspin of despair. Apparently there is a faceless army of detractors in the audience just waiting to tear our work to pieces, before they have even looked at it. They pounce on writing by authors they dislike, or on subjects they disagree with for the sheer pleasure of getting themselves wound up into a frenzy. They have a name - “Hate-readers”. Hate-reading is deliberately buying a newspaper or visiting a website with the express intention of getting annoyed and frustrated at what you know it is going to say. If you click on a Facebook post or twitter comment just because you have a dislike for the author you are indulging in hate-reading. If, as a staunch nationalist, you dash to pick up a paper praising the virtues of being part of the European Union, you are getting your fix. Technology and the internet have allowed hate-rea...